Tulip/asyncio at PyConES

It has been an intense weekend. I’ve been in Madrid for PyConES, and all I have to say is that it was amazing! Lots of great talks, old friends and new ones, I had a blast!

I gave a presentation on Tulip/asyncio in Spanish, but since code kind of speaks for itself, you may find some value in my slides here:

[slideshare id=28569302&doc=asyncio-131124043657-phpapp01]

This is a hot topic these days, and proof of that is the fact that mine wasn’t the only Tulip/asyncio talk at PyConES. I had the pleasure to work with IƱaki Galarza, who also gave a presentation about Tulip so that our talks would complement each other’s. You can find his slides here:

[speakerdeck url=https://speakerdeck.com/igalarzab/tulip-or-not-tulip]

I really hope I can make it next year, and you should too!



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